On the data side we provide detailed projections of LPG supply, demand, trade and prices/spreads that are based on our own assessments of key drivers within the market. We model major countries’ balances by the different sectors in the market, taking into account seasonality, trends and correlations.
To complement our understanding of upstream production and supplies from the refinery, we leverage on the research from our oil and gas teams at FGE to form a holistic view of the LPG market.
We also maintain a database of key infrastructure and petrochemical projects with a firm understanding of how these projects may impact the tradeable market. This spans across both our the medium- and long- term coverage.
To complement our research, we also utilise raw data from third party sources to aid with our modelling. This adds further depth to the modelling of the market, which brings greater insights into our analyses.
Finally, we have a freight model which calculates the tonne-mile demand required to transport LPG cargoes across various shipping routes. This feeds directly into our shipping market view, taking into account the changes in tonnage demand and supply.
For Ethane, there is a close synergy with LPG modelling as ethane production comes directly from Gas Processing Plants and fractionators. With our already strong understanding of the global petrochemical market, we are able to model ethane demand globally, which feeds directly into our monthly and annual demand and supply model balances.
We also have a firm understanding of the Very Large Ethane Carrier (VLEC) market, the workhorse of the international ethane trade. We maintain databases of VLEC orderbooks and vessel fleet which complements our understanding of the global ethane market.