While underinvestment in refining capacity continues to increase the demand for imported oil products into Latin America & the Caribbean, Brazil is cementing its position as a large exporter of low sulphur fuel oil (LSFO). At the same time, largescale energy reforms are breathing new life into the region’s energy markets.
Our coverage of the regions oil market spans both the upstream and downstream sectors, providing you with independent analysis and accurate forecasts of crude oil production, crude oil demand, oil products exports, refinery operations (maintenance schedules, crude runs, product cracks, crude throughput), as well as regional crude and oil products balances so clients can identify clear emerging trends, structural changes, and commercial opportunities in the region’s oil market.
With the use of our forward-looking analysis, insights and forecasts, crude and products traders can develop trading and hedging strategies that are built on detailed fundamental research, financial analysts will receive accurate regional crude and products supply/demand analytics, and industry planning and decision makers can gain a competitive insight into the key structural trends within the region.
In terms of products, we cover crude oil, Jet/Kero, Naphtha, LPG, Gasoil/Diesel, Gasoline, and Fuel Oil.
In terms of countries, we cover Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela.