China’s gas demand is expected to continue growing at a healthy pace due to the continued efforts in coal-to-gas switching in the mid-term, as well as expanded gas use in the industrial, power and transportation sectors over the long run. As such, we expect China to continue as a market driver given the sheer size of its natural gas/LNG requirements.
Our coverage of China’s natural gas and LNG markets spans both the upstream and downstream sectors to include natural gas production, sectoral supply and demand, pipelines and natural gas/LNG imports, LNG terminal build-up, natural gas/LNG contract pricing, and regulatory framework. With the use of our in-depth analysis and data, you will be able to identify commercial opportunities that exist within China’s natural gas/LNG markets, stay abreast of the latest natural gas/LNG sector developments in China and obtain a forward-looking view of the market to help develop a unique competitive edge.
As a client, you will have access to forward-looking analysis that utilizes our proprietary data sets and robust forecasting methodologies, and the latest analysis, insights and data covering natural gas and LNG supply, demand, trade, and pricing. In addition, you will also benefit from receiving up-to-date analysis of emerging trends, regulatory environments, and strategic assessments of corporate positions within the marketplace. Our content spans buyer/seller countries, key players, contractual terms, infrastructure assets and pricing.
On the LNG side, we split our coverage between the short- and medium-term to cater for clients who operate on a spot/short-term basis, as well as those operating on longer positions within the market.