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Annual Reports


Annual Reports

FGE's gas/LNG retainer services provide our clients with a solid understanding of the energy markets at a global, regional, and product level.

In addition to our monthly and quarterly reports, many of our services also include annual reports, which provide detailed analysis and data on various aspects of the gas/LNG sector. These annual reports will typically focus on a specific country or region.

Country Coverage

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Iran Oil & Gas Annual Report

FGE's Iran Oil and Gas suite of reports builds upon decades of research, consulting, and professional networking to provide our clients with a detailed and comprehensive analysis of Iran's oil and gas industry.

Regional Coverage

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Middle East Gas Annual Report

The Middle East Gas Annual Report provides an updated review and comprehensive analysis of the Middle East gas market at a country level, and builds on older editions with a detailed breakdown of the twelve countries in the Middle East region.
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North Africa Gas Annual Report

FGE’s North Africa Gas Annual Report (NAGAR) provides detailed coverage and analysis of the gas markets in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia.